

horse, German Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 2003

rimondo Insights

Wolkenwind, an impressive representative of the German Riding Horse, was born in 2003 and has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Aline Matzdorf, Wolkenwind achieved his greatest successes, including victories in dressage competitions at the L* and A** levels. His sporting career was also successfully supported by riders Stefanie Meilinger and Elisa Mae Deilmann-Walsh.

In breeding, Wolkenwind has left a significant impact with over 200 offspring. Particularly noteworthy is the state premium mare Nordlicht MD, which highlights his exceptional breeding prowess.

His sire, the Hanoverian Wolkentanz I, is a renowned progenitor with over 800 offspring, further emphasizing the breeding quality of Wolkenwind's lineage. A preferred pairing with the dam's sire Quaterback has proven particularly successful, producing numerous talented offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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dressage horse Triple A MD (Oldenburg, 2012, from Totilas)

Triple A MD

broodmare Hippophae (German Sport Horse, 2010, from Belissimo NRW)


broodmare Halogene MD (Oldenburg, 2011, from Quaterback)

Halogene MD

stallion Quantar MD (German Sport Horse, 2008, from Quaterback)

Quantar MD

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broodmare Rhodonite MD (German Sport Horse, 2014, from Wolkenwind)

Rhodonite MD

broodmare Nordlicht MD (German Sport Horse, 2009, from Wolkenwind)

Nordlicht MD

broodmare Mira Kinska (Kinsky horse, 2018, from Wolkenwind)

Mira Kinska

stallion Wahid (German Sport Horse, 2013, from Wolkenwind)


Show all 9 children

Base data

name (DE) Wolkenwind sportname (DE) Wolkenwind
breeding name (DE) Wolkenwind UELN 276410101009803
National-ID DE 410101009803 gender Stallion
breed German Warmblood type horse
born 02/09/2003 shoulder height 167 cm
colour palomino discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Zuchtverband für deutsche Pferde e.V. (ZfdP)
Awards gekört Father Wolkentanz I
Mother Hillary father of mother Garut Humbursky
Breeder Marliese Dobberthien, Dr. Place of birth Germany, Gestüt Altmarkhof
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 7231

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