Baa Ahabb ox

Baa Ahabb ox

horse, Arabian thoroughbred, Stallion, 2004

rimondo Insights

Baa Ahabb ox, a purebred Arabian stallion born in 2004, is a promising sire who has already produced eagerly anticipated offspring in breeding. Although he does not have any competition results to his name, his impressive pedigree speaks for itself. His sire, Ibn Shah Mabrouk ox, and his dam, Anisa ox, have laid a solid breeding foundation that Baa Ahabb ox continues.

In breeding, Baa Ahabb ox has already attracted attention, and his offspring are being followed with great interest. Particularly noteworthy is the lineage through his dam's sire, Alidaar 1984 EAO, which has a significant influence on the quality of his progeny.

Baa Ahabb ox remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring will undoubtedly make a name for themselves in both sport and breeding in the future. His pedigree and the potential of his offspring make him a valuable asset to the purebred Arabian breeding community.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Base data

name (DE) Baa Ahabb ox sportname (DE) Baa Ahabb ox
UELN 276408082107904 National-ID DE 408082107904
gender Stallion breed Arabian thoroughbred
type horse born 01/01/2004
shoulder height add colour add
discipline add mainly used for add
riding club, association Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Arab. Pferdes Awards add
Father Ibn Shah Mabrouk ox Mother Anisa ox
father of mother Alidaar 1984 EAO Breeder Oswald, Klaus
Place of birth add whereabouts add
profile views 1023

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