Intermede A Bord

Intermede A Bord

pony, Selle Français, Stallion, 1996


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horse Ricore de Fioni (French Pony, 2005, from Bolino Ravignan)

Ricore de Fioni

jumper Orion Elvey (French Pony, 2002, from Bolino Ravignan)

Orion Elvey

horse Heros Elvey (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1995, from Bolino Ravignan)

Heros Elvey

horse Jeremie Elvey (French Pony, 1997, from Bolino Ravignan)

Jeremie Elvey

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jumper Rubis D'Epuisay (French Pony, 2005, from Intermede A Bord)

Rubis D'Epuisay

jumper Stella D'Epuisay (French Pony, 2006, from Intermede A Bord)

Stella D'Epuisay

horse Coco des Roches (French Pony, 2012, from Intermede A Bord)

Coco des Roches

jumper Indiana de St Paul (French Pony, 2018, from Intermede A Bord)

Indiana de St Paul

Show all 5 children


Base data

name (International, DE) Intermede A Bord sportname (International, DE) Intermede A Bord
UELN 25000196040051P National-ID FRA00196040051P
FEI-ID FRA10753 gender Stallion
breed Selle Français type pony
born 05/15/1996 shoulder height 146 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Bolino Ravignan
Mother Entre Temps a Bord x father of mother Phosph'Or AA
Breeder Jussiaux, Thomas Place of birth France, Add city
whereabouts France, Add city profile views 596

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