Windesi xx

Windesi xx

horse, Thoroughbred, Stallion, 1970

rimondo Insights

Windesi xx, an English Thoroughbred with an impressive lineage, has established himself as a significant sire in breeding. Although he does not have any sporting achievements of his own, he has had a lasting impact on Thoroughbred breeding through his offspring. With over 70 progeny, he has impressively demonstrated his breeding power.

Particularly noteworthy is his licensed son Weltruf, who has already sired over 160 offspring himself. This line showcases the strong hereditary performance of Windesi xx and his importance to Thoroughbred breeding.

Windesi xx is sired by the stallion Frontal xx, who is also a successful sire with over 100 offspring. His dam, Windlette xx, has made a less extensive but still valuable contribution to breeding with only three offspring. The dam's sire, Windfields xx, complements this stallion's impressive pedigree.

Preferred pairings with the dam's sire Frühling have repeatedly produced successful offspring, further emphasizing the targeted breeding strategy with Windesi xx.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Windesi xx

Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

So profitieren Sie, wenn Sie unsere Hengste in der Frischbesamung oder im Natursprung nutzen: Zahlen Sie einmalig das Deckgeld. Im Falle einer Nichtträchtigkeit bleibt es für Sie bei dem Deckgeld. Erst bei Trächtigkeit wird die Trächtigkeitsprämie erhoben. Diese variiert je nachdem welchen Hengst Sie nutzen.

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broodmare Windlass xx (Thoroughbred, 1974, from Literat xx)

Windlass xx

broodmare Wollin xx (Thoroughbred, 1979, from Leonidas xx)

Wollin xx

stallion Feuerfunke xx (Thoroughbred, 1979, from Frontal xx)

Feuerfunke xx

broodmare Puszta-Lany xx (Thoroughbred, 1985, from Frontal xx)

Puszta-Lany xx

Show all siblings


broodmare Windine (Westphalian, 1978, from Windesi xx)


broodmare Wilett (Westphalian, 1980, from Windesi xx)


broodmare Winniza (Westphalian, 1978, from Windesi xx)


broodmare Waleska (Westphalian, 1978, from Windesi xx)


Show all 79 children


Base data

name (DE) Windesi xx sportname (DE) Windesi xx
UELN 276306060099870 National-ID DE 306060099870
gender Stallion breed Thoroughbred
type horse born 01/01/1970
Day of death 01/01/1986 shoulder height 166 cm
colour dark brown discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association Direktorium für Vollblutzucht und Rennen e.V. (DVR)
Awards nicht gekört Father Frontal xx
Mother Windlette xx father of mother Windfields xx
Place of birth Germany, Vettweiß whereabouts Germany, Warendorf
profile views 9207

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