Mona Lisa
Mona Lisa
horse, Hessian Warmblood, Mare, 1969
- horse
- Hessian Warmblood
- Mare
- 1969
Tournament results
Jule Gäckle | Reitturnier Nordstetten- Horb 2015 | |
Maya Franik | Reitturnier Dörentrup-Humfeld 2014 | |
Trixi Konle | Heuchlingen 2014 | |
Trixi Konle | Heuchlingen 2014 | |
Valerie Pfeilmeier | Bad Friedrichshall 2015 |
Success evaluation
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Base data
name (DE) | Mona Lisa | sportname (DE) | Mona Lisa |
UELN | 276361610540369 | National-ID | DE 361610540369 |
gender | Mare | breed | Hessian Warmblood |
type | horse | born | 01/01/1969 |
shoulder height | add | colour | black |
discipline | Dressur, Springen | mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse |
riding club, association | Verband der Pony- und Pferdezüchter Hessen e.V. | Awards | add |
Father | Reichsfuerst | Mother | Marika |
father of mother | Cornett | Place of birth | add |
whereabouts | add | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 1914 |