High Diavolo
High Diavolo
horse, Hanoverian, Stallion, 1996
- horse
- Hanoverian
- Stallion
- 1996
Tournament results
Ariana Kummer | Großes Sommerturnier in Hille 2012 |
Rahel Owersiek | Großes Sommerturnier in Hille 2012 |
Success evaluation
Base data
name (DE) | High Diavolo | sportname (DE) | High Diavolo |
UELN | 276331316885296 | National-ID | DE 331316885296 |
gender | Stallion | breed | Hanoverian |
type | horse | born | 01/01/1996 |
shoulder height | add | colour | dark brown |
discipline | add | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | add |
Father | Hohenstein I | Mother | Ballentines |
father of mother | Brentano II | Breeder | Nunnenkamp, Bianca |
Place of birth | add | whereabouts | add |
profile views | 685 |