Ilo Hanover (US) (Ilo Hanover 2:05)

Ilo Hanover (US) (Ilo Hanover 2:05)

horse, American Trotter, Mare, 1946


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broodmare Dutchess Hanover (US) (American Trotter, 1940, from Calumet Chuck 69721 (US))

Dutchess Hanover (US)

broodmare Cathy Nib (US) (American Trotter, 1959, from Nibble Hanover US-72188)

Cathy Nib (US)

broodmare Brevity Hanover (US) (American Trotter, 1951, from Nibble Hanover US-72188)

Brevity Hanover (US)

broodmare Burma Hanover (US) (American Trotter, 1946, from Nibble Hanover US-72188)

Burma Hanover (US)

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broodmare Important (US) (American Trotter, 1962, from The Intruder 91111 (US))

Important (US)

broodmare Impish (US) (American Trotter, 1959, from The Intruder 91111 (US))

Impish (US)

stallion Rodilo 108136 (US) (American Trotter, 1960, from Rodney 77557 (US))

Rodilo 108136 (US)

broodmare The Old Mare 8054H (US) (American Trotter, 1968, from Florlis 108592 (US))

The Old Mare 8054H (US)

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Base data

name (DE) Ilo Hanover (US) sportname (DE) Ilo Hanover 2:05
UELN 276307074613246 National-ID DE 307074613246
gender Mare breed American Trotter
type horse born 01/01/1946
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Trabrennen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Hauptverband für Traberzucht e.V. Awards add
Father Nibble Hanover US-72188 Mother Isabel Hanover (US)
father of mother Dillon Axworthy US-53323 Place of birth United States, Hanover Shoe Farm, Hanover Pa.
whereabouts United States, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 988


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