Caitano (Caitano 15)

Caitano (Caitano 15)

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2000

rimondo Insights

Caitano, a Holsteiner stallion born in 2000, has proven himself both in sport and breeding. Under the saddle of Martin Haunhorst, Caitano achieved remarkable national successes, including victories in M* and L show jumping classes. With over 50 offspring, Caitano demonstrates his breeding prowess, with the Verband premium mare Vienetta 6 standing out as an exemplary descendant.

Although Caitano does not boast international titles, his lineage is noteworthy. His sire, Carthago, is a Holsteiner stallion with over 1000 offspring. The dam's sire, Lavall I, has also made a name for himself in breeding with nearly 400 offspring. Caitano's preferred pairings with descendants of Lorentin I have proven particularly successful.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Caitano

Hengststation Rödl

Teilzahlung bei Besamung, Rest bei Trächtigkeit.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 650 €


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Challenger 19

horse Cotano (Holsteiner, 2001, from Carthago)


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Contino 56

jumper Contano 9 (Holsteiner, 2005, from Contender)

Contano 9

Show all siblings


broodmare Vienetta 6 (Holsteiner, 2005, from Caitano)

Vienetta 6

jumper Cruzeiro (Mecklenburg, 2006, from Caitano)


jumper Carinjo (Holsteiner, 2008, from Caitano)


jumper Camaro 94 (German Sport Horse, 2004, from Caitano)

Camaro 94

Show all 52 children

Base data

name (DE) Caitano sportname (DE) Caitano 15
breeding name (DE) Caitano UELN 276421000189600
National-ID DE 421000189600 FEI-ID GER27874
gender Stallion breed Holsteiner
type horse born 03/05/2000
shoulder height 170 cm colour mold
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. Awards gekört
Father Carthago Mother Elina II
father of mother Lavall I Breeder Lienau, Otto
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