Ljosprins 4 F

Ljosprins 4 F

pony, Fjord Horse, Stallion (approved), 1997


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broodmare Ljoslilja N.2696 (Fjord Horse, 2001, from Geist Tyler 6 F)

Ljoslilja N.2696

horse Ljosnina (Fjord Horse, 1994, from Hågvard N-90-2533)


horse Ljosjenta (Fjord Horse, 1996, from Bjørktind N.2869)


stallion Bluebird Lane Griffon (Fjord Horse, 2003, from Felix N.2507)

Bluebird Lane Griffon

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stallion Uno N.2645 (Fjord Horse, 2006, from Ljosprins 4 F)

Uno N.2645

horse Hertug Foss 7 F (Fjord Horse, 2004, from Ljosprins 4 F)

Hertug Foss 7 F

stallion Usvaniityn Edward 9 F (Fjord Horse, 2008, from Ljosprins 4 F)

Usvaniityn Edward 9 F

horse Baron Foss (Fjord Horse, 2004, from Ljosprins 4 F)

Baron Foss

Show all 87 children


Base data

name (DE) Ljosprins 4 F breeding name (DE) Ljosprins
UELN 24600100P971402 National-ID FIN00100P971402
gender Stallion breed Fjord Horse
type pony born 05/11/1997
Day of death 05/27/2014 shoulder height 147 cm
colour light dun discipline Springen, Fahren
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Felix N.2507
Mother Ljosbjørg N.2550 father of mother Ljos Ninn N.1976
Place of birth Norway, Marte Foldal, Lillehammer whereabouts Finland, Maarit Yli-Tokko, Tammela
profile views 1164
Import/export: Norway > Finland (2003)

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