Vaynor Serenity

Vaynor Serenity

pony, Welsh Mountain P., Elitestute, 1957


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broodmare Melindwr Dinkie (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1958, from Revel Starlight)

Melindwr Dinkie

broodmare Twyn Mona (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1955, from Revel Starlight)

Twyn Mona

stallion Fayre Romeo (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1952, from Revel Starlight)

Fayre Romeo

stallion Fayre Playmate (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1953, from Revel Starlight)

Fayre Playmate

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stallion Sinton Solomon (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 1960, from Revel Race)

Sinton Solomon

stallion Wärnanäs Sigill RW 60 (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 1976, from Coed Coch Barwn)

Wärnanäs Sigill RW 60

Show all 2 children


Base data

name (DE) Vaynor Serenity sportname (DE) Vaynor Serenity
UELN 276302021129157 National-ID DE 302021129157
gender Mare breed Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A)
type pony born 01/04/1957
Day of death 01/01/1981 shoulder height 121 cm
colour mold discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards Elitestute Father Revel Starlight
Mother Vaynor Sian father of mother Owain Glyndwr
Place of birth United Kingdom, Add city whereabouts Sweden, Add city
field test add station test add
profile views 907

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