Ceulan Silver Lustre
Ceulan Silver Lustre
pony, Welsh Pony (Sek.B), Mare, 1938
- pony
- Welsh Pony (Sek.B)
- Mare
- 1938
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Base data
name (DE) | Ceulan Silver Lustre | sportname (DE) | Ceulan Silver Lustre |
UELN | 276302020019103 | National-ID | DE 302020019103 |
unknown ID | 026624038 | gender | Mare |
breed | Welsh-Pony (Section B) | type | pony |
born | 01/01/1938 | shoulder height | 132 cm |
colour | mold | discipline | add |
mainly used for | stud horse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Incoronax ox |
Mother | Ceulan Silverleaf | father of mother | Llwyn Brilliant |
Place of birth | United Kingdom, Add city | whereabouts | United Kingdom, Add city |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 1630 |
Bred by Mr Davies of Talybont. This half-Arab mare was selected in 1954 to represent the Welsh Pony at Olympia for Ponies of Britain.
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