Rivero II

Rivero II

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 1993

rimondo Insights

Rivero II, an impressive Bavarian stallion from 1993, has established himself as an outstanding sire in breeding. With over 300 offspring, he has left his mark on horse breeding. Particularly noteworthy are his approved sons such as Radcliffe and River Phoenix, which highlight his excellent breeding power.

In breeding, Rivero II is known for his ability to produce both show jumping and dressage horses of high quality. His offspring are distinguished by their versatility and willingness to perform. Mares like Goldstückand Rivalina have been awarded state premium status and also contribute to his reputation as an exceptional sire.

The preferred pairing with damsires such as Adlerschild xx and Legendär Ihas proven particularly successful. Rivero II remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring regularly succeed at the highest levels.

Last updated: 26.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Rivero II

Haupt- und Landgestüt Schwaiganger

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breeding tax from 250 €

Tournament results

Dressurprüfung Kl. S*** - Grand Prix Special 

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Carmen Rettinger


Dressurprüfung Kl. S*** -  Intermediaire II

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Carmen Rettinger


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Online Hengstschau Landgestüt Schwaiganger


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stallion Rivero III (Bavarian, 2000, from Rautenstein)

Rivero III

broodmare Ave Maria 2 (Bavarian, 1999, from Rautenstein)

Ave Maria 2

stallion Rivero I (Bavarian, 1992, from Rautenstein)

Rivero I

dressage horse Riviero 6 (Oldenburg, 2006, from Rautenstein)

Riviero 6

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dressage horse Riccoletto (Bavarian, 2002, from Rivero II)


stallion Roncador 2 (Bavarian, 1999, from Rivero II)

Roncador 2

dressage horse Ryan 21 (Bavarian, 1999, from Rivero II)

Ryan 21

broodmare Richelle 2 (Rhinelander, 1999, from Rivero II)

Richelle 2

Show all 316 children

Base data

name (DE) Rivero II sportname (DE) Rivero II
breeding name (DE) Rivero II UELN 276381817773793
National-ID DE 381817773793 gender Stallion
breed Bavarian type horse
born 01/01/1993 shoulder height 170 cm
colour brown discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V.
Awards gekört Father Rautenstein
Mother Argentina father of mother Argentan II
Breeder Sanladerer, Ferdinand Place of birth Germany, Höch
whereabouts Germany, München profile views 19953

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