Cash and Carry (Cash and Carry 4)

Cash and Carry (Cash and Carry 4)

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion, 1998

rimondo Insights

Cash and Carry, an impressive Holsteiner stallion born in 1998, has made a name for himself both in breeding and in sport. Under the rider Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, he achieved initial results in show jumping competitions. However, his true strength lies in his breeding prowess: with over 260 offspring, he has had a significant impact on Holsteiner breeding.

Among his outstanding progeny are licensed stallions such as Cashman, Cullinan M&m, and Carry the Cash HS. He also impresses in the mare line with the state premium mare Uniquewa and the elite mare Fairplay BS.

His offspring demonstrate remarkable success in show jumping. PSG Future has placed in the World Cup. Additionally, talented mares like Cash Girl 8 and Little Kiki have qualified for the Bundeschampionat.

Preferred pairings with dam sires such as Cassini I and Capitol I have proven particularly successful, highlighting the versatility and quality of his offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Cash and Carry

Maas J. Hell Stallion Stud GmbH

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax: on request

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broodmare Quintess 11 (Holsteiner, 2006, from Quinar)

Quintess 11

jumper P-Caprice S (Holsteiner, 2000, from Contender)

P-Caprice S

broodmare R-Lavendel S (Holsteiner, 2001, from Lacantus)

R-Lavendel S

horse Claudius S (Holsteiner, 2003, from Claudio's Son)

Claudius S

Show all siblings


jumper Camerino (Holsteiner, 2004, from Cash and Carry)


jumper Cash Up (Holsteiner, 2004, from Cash and Carry)

Cash Up

jumper PSG Future (Holsteiner, 2004, from Cash and Carry)

PSG Future

jumper Clipmyhorse Cash And Go (Holsteiner, 2002, from Cash and Carry)

Clipmyhorse Cash And Go

Show all 267 children

Base data

name (DE) Cash and Carry sportname (DE) Cash and Carry 4
breeding name (DE) Cash and Carry UELN 276321210259098
National-ID DE 321210259098 gender Stallion
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 01/01/1998 Day of death 09/15/2019
shoulder height 168 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. Awards add
Father Cash Mother Balia
father of mother Landgraf I Breeder Schönfeld-Führ, Claudia
Place of birth add whereabouts add
profile views 16857

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