Captain Fire

Captain Fire

horse, Holsteiner, Stallion (approved), 2001

rimondo Insights

Captain Fire, an impressive Holsteiner stallion born in 2001, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Although his own sporting achievements were limited, he has established himself as an outstanding sire. Under the rider Henrik von Eckermann, Captain Fire achieved his most significant placement in an S* level show jumping competition.

With over 380 offspring, Captain Fire has impressively demonstrated his breeding prowess. Particularly noteworthy is his licensed son Captain Jack 44, who has sired numerous progeny, as well as the state premium mare Celina, who is also successful in breeding. Another remarkable descendant is Colincor, who impressed as a finalist at the Bundeschampionat for 6-year-old show jumpers.

Captain Fire shows a special aptitude for passing on jumping ability, as evidenced by his offspring with a jumping RPI of over 90, such as Courage 138. Preferred pairings with damsires like Cornet Obolensky have proven particularly successful, further enhancing the quality of his progeny.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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  • fresh
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breeding tax from 800 €


broodmare Starline (Holsteiner, 2002, from Contendro I)


broodmare Aparte (Holsteiner, 2008, from Contendro I)


jumper Vivanti (Holsteiner, 2015, from Vivant)


broodmare Virginia (Holsteiner, 2005, from Cassini I)


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jumper Chiara (Westphalian, 2008, from Captain Fire)


jumper Confident To Fly Sb (Westphalian, 2009, from Captain Fire)

Confident To Fly Sb

jumper SIG Captain America (Westphalian, 2009, from Captain Fire)

SIG Captain America

jumper Student (Westphalian, 2009, from Captain Fire)


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Base data

name (DE) Captain Fire sportname (DE) Captain Fire
breeding name (DE) Captain Fire UELN 276421000210601
National-ID DE 421000210601 gender Stallion
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 01/01/2001 shoulder height 167 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V.
Awards gekört Father Contendro I
Mother Magic Lady 2 father of mother Calido I
Breeder Grothmann, Klaus Place of birth Germany, Brunsbüttel
whereabouts Ukraine, Gestüt Zashkow profile views 22546

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