

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 1991

rimondo Insights

Exclusiv, a remarkable Trakehner stallion from the 1991 cohort, has made a significant name for himself in breeding. Although he does not have any competition results to his name, he has impressively demonstrated his excellence through his offspring. With over 100 progeny, Exclusiv has had a lasting impact on Trakehner breeding.

Particularly noteworthy is his approved son Kapriolan F, who, with 35 offspring, impressively demonstrates Exclusiv's breeding power. His daughters, such as the state premium mare Tavolara and the elite mare Schwalbenspiel, also contribute to his reputation as an outstanding sire.

The preferred pairing with damsires like Kostolany has proven particularly successful, further highlighting the high quality of his offspring. Exclusiv remains a sought-after sire, whose progeny in breeding impress with their quality and versatility.

Last updated: 26.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Exclusiv

Gestüt Hämelschenburg

Das Trakehner Gestüt Hämelschenburg in Niedersachsen, genauer gesagt im Weserbergland - ca. 50 km südlich von Hannover gelegen - wurde Anfang der 60er Jahre von Otto und Jutta Langels gegründet und wird heute von Beate Langels geführt.

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horse Elan 256 (Trakehner, 1993, from Starway)

Elan 256

horse Elysee's Star (Trakehner, 1998, from Saint Tropez)

Elysee's Star

horse Extravagant (Trakehner, 1991, from Polarjaeger)


broodmare Ebenbild (Trakehner, 1997, from Saint Tropez)


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stallion Kapriolan F (Trakehner, 1996, from Exclusiv)

Kapriolan F

dressage horse Sergeant Pepper TSF (Trakehner, 2000, from Exclusiv)

Sergeant Pepper TSF

dressage horse Valpiano 2 (Trakehner, 2010, from Exclusiv)

Valpiano 2

broodmare Kill It Kirina (Trakehner, 2012, from Exclusiv)

Kill It Kirina

Show all 103 children

Base data

name (DE) Exclusiv sportname (DE) Exclusiv
breeding name (DE) Exclusiv UELN 276309090500792
National-ID DE 309090500792 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 12/22/1991 Day of death 10/06/2019
shoulder height 167 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Trakehner Verband Awards gekört
Father Starway Mother Elysee II
father of mother Zauberklang Breeder Schmelting, Josef
Place of birth Germany, Add city whereabouts Germany, 31860 Emmerthal, Niedersachsen (Niedersachsen)
profile views 10110

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