Echo van het Spieveld (Echo van T Spieveld)

Echo van het Spieveld (Echo van T Spieveld)

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 2004

rimondo Insights

Echo van het Spieveld, an impressive Belgian Warmblood stallion, has made a name for himself both in international show jumping and breeding. Under the rider Niels Bruynseels, Echo van het Spieveld celebrated his greatest success with a victory in an international S****-level show jumping competition. With over 150 offspring, he demonstrates his breeding prowess, particularly in show jumping horse breeding.

Notably, his approved offspring include Kassander van het Roosakker, Menko vd Wellington, and Electric van Koningshof Z. These progeny highlight the quality of his genetics and his ability to produce top-level horses.

Other offspring, such as Enjoy Ck Z and Origi vd Vosberg, are distinguished by an outstanding jumping RPI of over 90, making them particularly valuable sport horses. Preferred pairings with dam sires like Darco and Kashmir van't Schuttershof have proven to be especially successful.

Echo van het Spieveld remains a sought-after sire, impressing with his exceptional breeding power and sporting achievements.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Echo van het Spieveld

Joachim Tietz

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

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jumper Gentille van Spieveld (Belgian Warmblood, 2006, from Heartbreaker)

Gentille van Spieveld

jumper Casper van Spieveld (Belgian Warmblood, 2002, from Mr Blue)

Casper van Spieveld

jumper Izeaux van Spieveld (Belgian Warmblood, 2008, from Deauville van T&L)

Izeaux van Spieveld

jumper Horsedeals Nada van Spieveld (Belgian Warmblood, 2013, from Elvis Ter Putte)

Horsedeals Nada van Spieveld

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jumper Kheros van't Hoogeinde (Belgian Warmblood, 2010, from Echo van het Spieveld)

Kheros van't Hoogeinde

jumper VDL Groep Elegant Hero Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2011, from Echo van het Spieveld)

VDL Groep Elegant Hero Z

jumper Genasis (Belgian Warmblood, 2010, from Echo van het Spieveld)


jumper Mc Gregor van Turbeek (Belgian Warmblood, 2012, from Echo van het Spieveld)

Mc Gregor van Turbeek

Show all 162 children

Base data

name (International) Echo van T Spieveld name (DE) Echo van het Spieveld
sportname (International) Echo van T Spieveld sportname (DE) Echo van't Spieveld
breeding name (DE) Echo van 't Spieveld UELN 056002W00229361
National-ID BEL002W00229361 FEI-ID 102WU57
gender Stallion breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 05/17/2004
shoulder height 168 cm colour chestnut
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Heartbreaker Mother Tequila van Spieveld
father of mother Capital Place of birth Belgium, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 5780

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