Udancer Hero

Udancer Hero

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 2001


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horse Udancer Hero (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse),  , from Dancer Prince xx)

Udancer Hero

broodmare Femke de Kalvarie (Belgian Warmblood, 2005, from For Pleasure)

Femke de Kalvarie

jumper Hakon de Kalvarie (Belgian Warmblood, 2007, from Indian Gold van Castershoeve)

Hakon de Kalvarie

stallion Moujik de Sohan (Belgium Sporthorse, 1996, from Hebah van de Casterhoeve)

Moujik de Sohan

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jumper Bolero D'Hyrencourt (Belgium Sporthorse, 2007, from Udancer Hero)

Bolero D'Hyrencourt

jumper Calgot Hero (Irish Sport Horse, 2006, from Udancer Hero)

Calgot Hero

jumper Chopin D Hyrencourt (Belgium Sporthorse, 2008, from Udancer Hero)

Chopin D Hyrencourt

jumper Vivaldi D'Hyrencourt (Belgium Sporthorse, 2005, from Udancer Hero)

Vivaldi D'Hyrencourt

Show all 26 children


Base data

name (DE) Udancer Hero sportname (DE) Udancer Hero
UELN 528003000112322 National-ID NLD003000112322
FEI-ID BEL42593 gender Stallion
breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse) type horse
born 01/01/2001 shoulder height 167 cm
colour dark brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Dancer Prince xx
Mother Femke P father of mother Voltaire
Place of birth Netherlands, Add city whereabouts Belgium, Add city
profile views 2186

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