Samba de Luxe

Samba de Luxe

horse, Oldenburger, Verbandsprämienstute, 2008

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broodmare Flair (Oldenburg, 2009, from Sancisco)


dressage horse Recall 6 (Oldenburg, 2003, from Royal Olymp 142 FIN)

Recall 6

horse Duke of Spirit (Oldenburg, 2012, from Duke of Hearts xx)

Duke of Spirit

broodmare Golden Cita (Oldenburg, 2004, from Royal Olymp 142 FIN)

Golden Cita

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Base data

name (DE) Samba de Luxe sportname (DE) Samba De Luxe
UELN 276433330195208 National-ID DE 433330195208
gender Mare breed Oldenburg
type horse born 04/30/2008
shoulder height 178 cm colour black
discipline Dressur mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards Verbandsprämienstute
Father Sancisco Mother De Luxe
father of mother De Niro Place of birth Germany, Rostock
whereabouts Germany, Berlin field test add
station test add profile views 2761
She is a shiny black Sancisco-daughter Samba de Luxe is obviously influenced by Rubinstein I-bloodlines and Inschallah AA. Samba De Luxe exhibits a convincing rideability and a perfect temperament. As she is a very tall horse, she needs some more time to mature than her contemporaries. We grant her this time, and only a couple of “test presentations” in riding horse ability competitions and the mare performance test are scheduled for May 2012.

Her half sister Recall 6 (by Royal Olymp) was top-priced horse of the Vechta Elite Autumn Auction in 2007, and she was nominated and qualified for the Federal Riding and Dressage Horse Championships. Her dam who descends from the successful Grand Prix dressage stallion De Niro placed in riding horse ability classes before she started her breeding career. He granddam is full sister to the licensed stallions Rubinson and Iglesias.

Rubinson was successful in international dressage sport including Grand Prix-level under Stephanie Peters. Iglesias was licensed under the name Rubinstar, and following the stallion licensing, he changed to the Netherlands where became an active stud stallion with an above-average breed value estimation for dressage. Inschallah AA and the Trakehnen stallion Magister complement the pedigree with more refining blood further down in the pedigree.
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