TL Tejos Poco Kari
TL Tejos Poco Kari
horse, Quarter Horse, Mare, 2007
- horse
- Quarter Horse
- Mare
- 2007
Base data
name (DE) | TL Tejos Poco Kari | sportname (DE) | TL Tejos Poco Kari |
UELN | 276412494122607 | National-ID | DE 412494122607 |
gender | Mare | breed | Quarter Horse |
type | horse | born | 03/25/2007 |
shoulder height | 156 cm | colour | buckskin |
discipline | Westernreiten | mainly used for | sportshorse, free time horse |
riding club, association | Deutsche Quarter Horse Association e.V. (DQHA) | Awards | add |
Father | Tejons Peppy Doc | Mother | Kali Dun In Lace |
father of mother | Kaliman | Place of birth | Germany, Add city |
whereabouts | Germany, Add city | field test | add |
station test | add | profile views | 769 |