Verdi (VDL Groep Verdi TN N.O.P.)

Verdi (VDL Groep Verdi TN N.O.P.)

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 2002

rimondo Insights

Verdi, the impressive KWPN stallion, has made a remarkable name for himself both in international sport and breeding. Under Maikel van der Vleuten, Verdi achieved his greatest successes, including victories in international S***** show jumping competitions and placements in the World Cup. With over 890 offspring, Verdi has passed on his exceptional genes, including the approved stallion Chaplin, who excelled as a World Cup winner and Global Champions Tour stage winner.

Another notable example of his progeny is Quin 13, who was awarded as the Bundeschampion of 6-year-old show jumpers. The state premium mare Violetta Odessa and the approved stallion Carlos II also demonstrate Verdi's outstanding breeding power. Particularly noteworthy is his ability to sire high-performance show jumpers, which is underscored by the high RPI of several offspring.

Verdi's preferred pairings with dam sires like Voltaire and Concorde have proven to be extremely successful, further enhancing the quality and versatility of his offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Verdi

Team Nijhof

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breeding tax from 2000 €


broodmare Orissa M (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1996, from Quidam de Revel)

Orissa M

broodmare Darissa (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2008, from Quidam de Revel)


broodmare Rivera M (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 1998, from Quidam de Revel)

Rivera M

broodmare High Life I (Holsteiner, 1993, from Carthago)

High Life I

Show all siblings


jumper Bastiaan (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2006, from Verdi)


stallion Quin 13 (Holsteiner, 2010, from Verdi)

Quin 13

jumper Varoune 3 (Oldenburg, 2008, from Verdi)

Varoune 3

jumper Vintage (Holsteiner, 2011, from Verdi)


Show all 901 children

Base data

name (International) Verdi TN name (DE, NL) Verdi
sportname (International) Verdi Tn sportname (DE) VDL Groep Verdi TN N.O.P.
breeding name (DE) Verdi (Q-Verdi) UELN 528003200204912
National-ID NLD003200204912 FEI-ID NED41570
gender Stallion breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse)
type horse born 05/09/2002
shoulder height 172 cm colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Koninklijk Warmbloed Paardenstamboek Nederland (KWPN) Awards gekört
Father Quidam de Revel Mother Clarissa
father of mother Landgraf I Place of birth Netherlands, Add city
whereabouts Netherlands, Add city profile views 33929

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