

horse, Rhinelander, Stallion (approved), 1990

rimondo Insights

Ferragamo, a Rhinelander stallion born in 1990, has established himself as an influential sire. With over 390 offspring, he has left a remarkable mark in breeding. Particularly noteworthy are his licensed sons such as Friedenstraum and Feuerblick, which underscore his breeding power. Equally remarkable are his state premium mares, including Fiona and Frisia.

A descendant of Ferragamo, Fairmont E, gained national recognition as a finalist in the Bundeschampionat for 7-year-old show jumping horses. These successes demonstrate the exceptional suitability of Ferragamo's offspring in show jumping.

Preferred pairings with stallions like Der Clou have proven particularly successful, further emphasizing the quality of his progeny. Ferragamo remains a sought-after sire in horse breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Ferragamo

Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

So profitieren Sie, wenn Sie unsere Hengste in der Frischbesamung oder im Natursprung nutzen: Zahlen Sie einmalig das Deckgeld. Im Falle einer Nichtträchtigkeit bleibt es für Sie bei dem Deckgeld. Erst bei Trächtigkeit wird die Trächtigkeitsprämie erhoben. Diese variiert je nachdem welchen Hengst Sie nutzen.

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breeding tax from 280 €

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broodmare No Choice (Rhinelander, 1991, from Nationalstolz)

No Choice

dressage horse Flashdance 36 (Rhinelander, 1990, from Freigraf)

Flashdance 36

broodmare Franziska W (Hessian Warmblood, 1990, from Freigraf)

Franziska W

stallion Favretto (Westphalian, 1990, from Freigraf)


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jumper Ferrana (Westphalian, 2004, from Ferragamo)


dressage horse Florence (Westphalian, 2003, from Ferragamo)


broodmare Fabiana (Westphalian, 1995, from Ferragamo)


jumper Fairmont E (Westphalian, 2008, from Ferragamo)

Fairmont E

Show all 398 children

Base data

name (DE) Ferragamo sportname (DE) Ferragamo
breeding name (DE) Ferragamo UELN 276343436851190
National-ID DE 343436851190 gender Stallion
breed Rhinelander type horse
born 01/01/1990 shoulder height 169 cm
colour brown discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards gekört Father Freigraf
Mother Elona father of mother Ehrensold
Breeder Peitgen, Ingrid Place of birth Germany, Wiehl
whereabouts Germany, Landgestüt Warendorf 48231 profile views 31107

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