Samantha (H-S Samantha)

Samantha (H-S Samantha)

pony, Welsh Mountain P., Mare, 2005

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horse Olivin Oberon (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 2000, from H-S Owen)

Olivin Oberon

broodmare Tirion Cinderella (unknown,  , from H-S Owen)

Tirion Cinderella

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horse Leaders Peace II (Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A), 2011, from Leybuchts Golden Shadow)

Leaders Peace II

broodmare SA Coeur (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2012, from Bob Sinclair R)

SA Coeur

Show all 2 children

Base data

name (DE) Samantha sportname (DE) H-S Samantha
UELN 826046020139219 National-ID GBR046020139219
unknown ID GB046020139219 gender Mare
breed Welsh mountain pony (SEK.A) type pony
born 05/03/2005 shoulder height 122 cm
colour apple horse discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.
Awards add Father H-S Owen
Mother Menai Silver Slips father of mother Friars Generous
Place of birth United Kingdom, Add city whereabouts Germany, Lichtenau/Westfalen
field test add station test add
profile views 1289


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