Schwarzgold (Schwarzgold 17)

Schwarzgold (Schwarzgold 17)

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 2009

rimondo Insights

Schwarzgold, an impressive Trakehner stallion born in 2009, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Sascha Böhnke, Schwarzgold achieved remarkable successes in dressage, including victories in the M* and S* classes. Particularly noteworthy is his breeding prowess, reflected in over 300 offspring.

Among the outstanding progeny are the licensed stallion Perpignan Noir and the state premium mare Balera. Additionally, Schwarzgold has produced several premium stallions, including Kronberg, who was also awarded as a regional champion.

A preferred pairing is seen with dam sires like Buddenbrock, which produce particularly successful offspring. Schwarzgold represents excellent dressage potential, as evidenced by the above-average performance of his offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Schwarzgold

Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Celle

Haupt- und Landgestüt Schwaiganger

Gestüt Hörem

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breeding tax from 1200 €


dressage horse Standing O'Vation TSF (Trakehner, 2010, from Imperio 3)

Standing O'Vation TSF

broodmare S’Cada (Trakehner, 2011, from Imperio 3)


dressage horse Sir Arthur TSF (Trakehner, 2003, from Buddenbrock)

Sir Arthur TSF

dressage horse Special Selection (Trakehner, 2013, from Imhotep)

Special Selection

Show all siblings


stallion Speedway 7 (Trakehner, 2014, from Schwarzgold)

Speedway 7

dressage horse Königsblaue (Trakehner, 2015, from Schwarzgold)


broodmare In Schönheit (Trakehner, 2013, from Schwarzgold)

In Schönheit

broodmare Hadiya 5 (Trakehner, 2013, from Schwarzgold)

Hadiya 5

Show all 351 children

Base data

name (DE) Schwarzgold sportname (DE) Schwarzgold 17
breeding name (DE) Schwarzgold UELN 276409090182409
National-ID DE 409090182409 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 05/08/2009 shoulder height 171 cm
colour black discipline Dressur
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association Trakehner Verband
Awards gekört Father Imperio 3
Mother Seeconda father of mother Consul
Breeder Sabine Oberdieck Place of birth Germany, Wietzendorf
whereabouts Germany, 29690 Gilten (Niedersachsen) profile views 42165

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