Enrico Caruso (Enrico Caruso 2)

Enrico Caruso (Enrico Caruso 2)

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 1978

rimondo Insights

Enrico Caruso, a remarkable Trakehner stallion from 1978, has established himself as an exceptional sire in breeding. Although he does not have any competition results himself, he has produced over 50 offspring that carry on his excellent genes. Particularly noteworthy is the licensed stallion Kostolany, who boasts an impressive progeny with over 400 descendants.

Another remarkable son is Lord Luciano 2, who shines with over 10 placings in dressage competitions. Enrico Caruso's offspring benefit from the top-notch lineage through his sire Mahagoni and his dam Elchniederung, both known for their breeding quality.

The preferred pairing with dam sires like Ibikus has proven particularly successful. Enrico Caruso remains a valued sire, whose offspring continue to be sought after in breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Stallion owner of Enrico Caruso

Gestüt Hämelschenburg

Das Trakehner Gestüt Hämelschenburg in Niedersachsen, genauer gesagt im Weserbergland - ca. 50 km südlich von Hannover gelegen - wurde Anfang der 60er Jahre von Otto und Jutta Langels gegründet und wird heute von Beate Langels geführt.

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broodmare Ethik IV (Trakehner, 1993, from Guter Planet)

Ethik IV

broodmare Eylau II (Trakehner, 1989, from Ravel)

Eylau II

stallion El Greco (Trakehner, 1995, from Fontainbleau)

El Greco

horse E Chat Noir (Trakehner, 1990, from Consul)

E Chat Noir

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stallion Lord Luciano 2 (Trakehner, 2002, from Enrico Caruso)

Lord Luciano 2

horse Tannehauser (Trakehner, 1995, from Enrico Caruso)


stallion Kostolany (Trakehner, 1984, from Enrico Caruso)


broodmare Toscana (Trakehner, 1983, from Enrico Caruso)


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Base data

name (DE) Enrico Caruso sportname (DE) Enrico Caruso 2
breeding name (DE) Enrico Caruso UELN 276309090107578
National-ID DE 309090107578 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 01/01/1978 Day of death 06/14/2005
shoulder height 169 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur, Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Trakehner Verband Awards gekört
Father Mahagoni Mother Elchniederung
father of mother Amagun Breeder Gehlhaar, Erich
Place of birth Germany, Gilten whereabouts United States, Vermont
profile views 23576
Enrico Caruso was one of the best stallions our breed has had. You will find him in the pedigrees of many successful horses, and he left his mark behind, may be more so in Germany than in the U.S. At his Koerung at Neumünster, after his approval he was ignored at the auction because of his small size as a 2.5 year old. He was bought at a bargain by Otto Langels of Gestuet Haemelschenburg who only later realized how small he was. He was found to have an extreemly gentle character & was very athletic. To everyone's surprise he grew to almost 16.3 hands & produced many good riding horses. His best & most famous son, Kostolany (out of Kapstadt by Falke) (bred & owned by Otto Langels) has followed in his sire's footsteps by also siring many successful sporthorses & in excess of 9 approved sons, most of them Trakehners. His most famous son is the Approval Champion Gribaldi (out of Gondola by Ibikus, Breeder Marika Werner). He has had a great impact on the Dutch Warmblood Breed in the Netherlands. He also qualified for the 2005 FEI World Cup in Las Vegas under Edward Gal. Thanks for the genes he inherited from his Grand Sire, the noble stallion Enrico Caruso. Enrico's gray son Trocadero (o/o Thirza by Karon) was graded premium and champion of his approval & sold for 300,000 DM at the Klosterhof-Medingen Auction. He now stands at Sian Read's Bluewood Stud in England. He also left 2 or more approved sons in the U.S. among others, and he produced jumpers as well as dressage horses. The most famous of his daughters was Schwalbenlust out of Elite Schwalbenburg by Ibikus who once reigned the Stud at Haemelschenburg. She aslo passed away not long ago but left her crown behind for her beautiful daughter Schwalbenspiel by Exclusiv, the dam of the approved Shavalou. Enrico died on June 14, 2005 and on the same day his beautiful (balck with 2 white socks) daughter (out of Thirza by Karon-Falke, owned & bred by Jutta Langels) was born, in Germany. Life works in wonderous ways... The death of horses brings tears to all lovers of this noble animal. Enrico you will be missed but not forgotten! Karim Esmailzadeh
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