horse, Paso Peruano, Gelding, 1996
- horse
- Paso Peruano
- Gelding
- 1996
Tournament results
Carolin Cölsch | Vielseitigkeitsevent Rennwiese 2012 | |
Carolin Cölsch | Vielseitigkeitsevent Rennwiese 2012 |
Base data
name (DE) | Fino | sportname (DE) | Fino |
gender | Gelding | breed | Peruvian Paso |
type | horse | born | 05/03/1996 |
shoulder height | 157 cm | colour | piebald |
discipline | Westernreiten | mainly used for | sportshorse |
riding club, association | Erste Western Union (EWU) | Awards | add |
Father | Altivo KCO | Mother | Arranque |
father of mother | add | Place of birth | Germany, Much |
whereabouts | Germany, Köln | profile views | 1204 |