Spinda 1866

Spinda 1866

horse, Hanoverian, Mare, 1918


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stallion Schwabenkoenig I 310260121 (Hanoverian, 1921, from Schwabenstreich)

Schwabenkoenig I 310260121

stallion Schwabenkönig II 310260223 (Hanoverian, 1923, from Schwabenstreich)

Schwabenkönig II 310260223

broodmare Silva (Hanoverian,  , from Schwabenstreich)


stallion Schwabenpreis (Hanoverian, 1906, from Schwabenstreich)


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stallion Taktik 235 (Swedish Warmblood, 1940, from Onkel)

Taktik 235

broodmare Dina (Swedish Warmblood, 1925, from Althof)


broodmare Fanny (Swedish Warmblood, 1927, from Tribun)


broodmare Ella (Swedish Warmblood, 1926, from Schwabliso)


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Base data

name (DE) Spinda 1866 gender Mare
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 01/01/1918 Day of death 01/01/1941
shoulder height 163 cm colour brown
discipline add mainly used for stud horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Schwabenstreich Mother Kadmeija 310193515
father of mother Khedive Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Sweden, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 2150
Imported from Germany to Sweden in 1924. Foundation mare of mareline F2, Spinda-family in Sweden. This mare line is one of the greatest and most successful lines of Sweden. Jac Remijnse shows in his magazine Sporthorsebreeding that this line also is one of the most successful line of dressage horses in the world. In Germany this mareline is called Hannoveraner 1290704, Nostena. Spinda 1866 had only brothers in Germany so this mareline has not been developed there.
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