Shining Starr Aristo

Shining Starr Aristo

pony, New Forest Pony, Stallion (approved), 1982


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horse Shining Starr Atleet (New Forest Pony, 1984, from Noordererf Chap)

Shining Starr Atleet

stallion Ringo Starr (New Forest Pony, 1977, from Merrie Moscan)

Ringo Starr

broodmare Silly (New Forest Pony,  , from Noordererf Chap)


broodmare Sacha (New Forest Pony,  , from Noordererf Chap)


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jumper Milford de Grangues (French Pony, 2000, from Shining Starr Aristo)

Milford de Grangues

horse Romance de Violaines (French Pony, 2005, from Shining Starr Aristo)

Romance de Violaines

horse Fidel van de Vrombautshoeve (Belgian Riding Pony, 2001, from Shining Starr Aristo)

Fidel van de Vrombautshoeve

jumper Bliksem (Belgian Riding Pony, 1997, from Shining Starr Aristo)


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Base data

name (DE) Shining Starr Aristo sportname (DE) Shining Starr Aristo
UELN 276302026747182 National-ID DE 302026747182
gender Stallion breed New Forest Pony
type pony born 04/28/1982
Day of death 04/29/2013 shoulder height 148 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Noordererf Chap
Mother Janine father of mother Golden Wonder
Place of birth Netherlands, Voorschoten whereabouts Belgium, Add city
profile views 3029
He. Stb. 176 (NLD)

Approved in The Netherlands in 1985. Exported to Belgium in 1988, approved 27.2.1988 for BWP.

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