

horse, Trakehner, Stallion (approved), 1984

rimondo Insights

Kostolany, an impressive Trakehner stallion from the 1984 cohort, has established himself as a true progenitor in breeding. With over 400 offspring, he has significantly contributed to the development of the Trakehner breed. Particularly noteworthy are his approved sons, including Gribaldi, who himself boasts over 500 offspring, and Silvermoon, another significant sire. Kostolany's offspring are distinguished by their elegance and willingness to perform, which is also reflected in the numerous awarded mares, such as Partin, who was honored as a state premium mare.

In breeding, there is a preferred pairing with damsires like Ibikus and Matador, who have produced particularly many successful offspring. Kostolany's sire, Enrico Caruso, and his dam, Kapstadt, also contribute to the outstanding genetics of this stallion. Despite lacking personal sporting achievements, Kostolany has left a lasting impact on Trakehner breeding through his progeny.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Kostolany

Gestüt Hämelschenburg

Das Trakehner Gestüt Hämelschenburg in Niedersachsen, genauer gesagt im Weserbergland - ca. 50 km südlich von Hannover gelegen - wurde Anfang der 60er Jahre von Otto und Jutta Langels gegründet und wird heute von Beate Langels geführt.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
  • frozen
  • natural

breeding tax from 1500 €

Tournament results

Dressurprüfung Kl. M**

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Christian Pläge


Dressurprüfung Kl. S*

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Christian Pläge


Dressurprüfung Kl. S*

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Christoph von Daehne


Dressurprüfung Kl. M**

Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Christoph von Daehne



Result added by Christian Schulz-Wiemann

Otto Langels


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broodmare Kadenz IV (Trakehner, 1986, from Enrico Caruso)

Kadenz IV

stallion Lord Luciano 2 (Trakehner, 2002, from Enrico Caruso)

Lord Luciano 2

horse Tannehauser (Trakehner, 1995, from Enrico Caruso)


broodmare Toscana (Trakehner, 1983, from Enrico Caruso)


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stallion Elfado (Trakehner, 2004, from Kostolany)


dressage horse König Drosselbart (Westphalian, 1998, from Kostolany)

König Drosselbart

broodmare Schwalbenmelodie (Trakehner, 2010, from Kostolany)


dressage horse Elegance 34 (Trakehner, 2004, from Kostolany)

Elegance 34

Show all 424 children

Base data

name (DE) Kostolany sportname (DE) Kostolany
breeding name (DE) Kostolany UELN 276309090303485
National-ID DE 309090303485 gender Stallion
breed Trakehner type horse
born 12/10/1984 Day of death 10/28/2013
shoulder height 170 cm colour black
discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association Trakehner Verband Awards gekört
Father Enrico Caruso Mother Kapstadt
father of mother Falke Breeder Langels, Otto
Place of birth Germany, Gestüt Hämelschenburg whereabouts Germany, 31860 Emmerthal, Niedersachsen (Niedersachsen)
profile views 51792
On December 10th in 1984, a black colt was born at the famous German stud farm Haemelschenburg. A colt that should later become one of the breed's most successful sires, both of breeding stock and most importantly, sport horses. Kostolany never left the farm in his entire life, he became the NMS champion stallion in 1987, passed an outstanding 100 day test, won FEI dressage shows, and during all this time of fame and celebrity, always was the center of the Langels family.
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