horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion, 2020

rimondo Insights

UELO DE MUZE, a promising Belgian Warmblood stallion born in 2020, has already caught the attention of the breeding world at a young age. Bred from the renowned Holsteiner Libero H and the talented Belgian Warmblood mare Azuela de Muze, he combines the best qualities of his parents. His dam's sire, the famous KWPN stallion Heartbreaker, adds to his impressive pedigree.

Last year, UELO DE MUZE presented his first foal crop, which was eagerly anticipated. Although he has not yet achieved any sporting successes himself, his lineage promises a bright future in breeding. Particularly noteworthy is the genetic influence of his sire, who has over 300 offspring, and his dam's sire, who has had a significant impact on show jumping breeding with over 960 offspring.

UELO DE MUZE remains a sought-after sire, whose offspring are eagerly welcomed in the show jumping arena. His exceptional pedigree and the potential of his first foals make him a promising choice for breeders looking for the next champion.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Vornholt Pferde

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horse Uelo de Muze (Belgian Warmblood,  , from Libero H)

Uelo de Muze

stallion UELO DE MUZE (Belgian Warmblood,  , from Libero H)


stallion Vedet de Muze E T (Belgian Warmblood, 2005, from Cartani 4)

Vedet de Muze E T

jumper Felini de La Pomme (Belgian Warmblood, 2005, from Vigo d'Arsouilles)

Felini de La Pomme

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Base data

name (DE) UELO DE MUZE breeding name (DE) UELO DE MUZE
gender Stallion breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 01/01/2020
shoulder height 168 cm colour brown
discipline add mainly used for add
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Libero H Mother Azuela de Muze
father of mother Heartbreaker Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 9

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