El Cumbanchero FH
Breed events
Oberösterreichisches Fohlenchampionat / Pferdezuchtverband Stadl Paura | Familie Holzleitner, Holzleitner |
Base data
name (AT) | El Cumbanchero FH | sportname (AT) | El Cumbanchero FH |
breeding name (AT) | El Cumbanchero FH | UELN | 040008610001224 |
National-ID | AUT008610001224 | gender | Stallion |
breed | Austrian Warmblood | type | horse |
born | 03/21/2024 | shoulder height | add |
colour | maroon | discipline | Dressur |
mainly used for | stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse | riding club, association | add |
Awards | add | Father | Escamillo |
Mother | Stelar Gold | father of mother | Foundation 2 |
Breeder | Familie Holzleitner, Holzleitner | Place of birth | Austria, Add city |
whereabouts | Austria, Add city | profile views | 134 |