Madonna III

Madonna III

horse, Holsteiner, Mare, 1997

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jumper Camelot of Wales (Westphalian, 2005, from Contini)

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jumper Tuja 6 (Holsteiner, 2003, from Parco xx)

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jumper Charmant (Holsteiner, 2008, from Clarimo Ask)


broodmare Caitriona (Holsteiner, 2010, from Lord Z)


broodmare Quantum's Zarrin (Holsteiner, 2007, from Quantum)

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dressage horse Gianni Amato (Hanoverian, 2006, from Graf Top)

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Show all 6 children

Base data

name (DE) Madonna III UELN 276321210019197
National-ID DE 321210019197 gender Mare
breed Holsteiner type horse
born 05/15/1997 Day of death 12/31/2016
shoulder height 165 cm colour brown
discipline Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Jagdreiten, Military mainly used for stud horse, free time horse
riding club, association Verband der Züchter des Holsteiner Pferdes e.V. Awards add
Father Parco xx Mother Freya Be
father of mother Coriolan Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 1262
former owner


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