London (Glock's London N.O.P.)

London (Glock's London N.O.P.)

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 2002

rimondo Insights

London, the Belgian Warmblood stallion, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Gerco Schröder, he achieved remarkable international success, including the title of Olympic silver medalist and team world champion. With over 200 offspring, London has impressively demonstrated his breeding prowess.

Among his outstanding progeny are the licensed stallion Oak Grove's Laith, boasting an impressive jumping RPI of 77, and the state premium mare Ferrera. Z7 Ipswich has also gained international recognition as a stage winner of the Global Champions Tour.

Particularly successful are offspring from pairings with Chacco-Blue, which show a high aptitude for jumping. Thus, London remains a sought-after sire for breeders who prioritize quality and success.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of London

Glock Horse Performance Center

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horse Casimir de La Pomme (Belgian Warmblood, 2002, from Nabab de Rêve)

Casimir de La Pomme

broodmare Dabelle (Belgium Sporthorse, 2009, from Nabab de Rêve)


broodmare Wabelle de Muze (Belgian Warmblood, 1999, from Nabab de Rêve)

Wabelle de Muze

stallion Golden Hawk (Belgian Warmblood, 2005, from Vigo d'Arsouilles)

Golden Hawk

Show all siblings


stallion Oak Grove's Laith (Selle Français, 2011, from London)

Oak Grove's Laith

jumper Z7 Ipswich (Belgian Warmblood, 2008, from London)

Z7 Ipswich

broodmare Grammy (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2011, from London)


jumper Locanto RN (Holsteiner, 2015, from London)

Locanto RN

Show all 247 children

Base data

name (International) London name (DE) Carembar de Muz
sportname (International) Glock's London sportname (DE) Glock's London N.O.P.
breeding name (DE) Carembar de Muze UELN 056002W00211054
National-ID BEL002W00211054 FEI-ID BEL40955
gender Stallion breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 06/06/2002
shoulder height 168 cm colour chestnut
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Nabab de Rêve Mother Ta Belle van Sombeke
father of mother Chin Chin Breeder joris de brabander
Place of birth Belgium, 9100 Sint-Niklaas whereabouts Netherlands, Add city
profile views 61647

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