Hors Serie Cdl Z

Hors Serie Cdl Z

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Mare, 2018


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Heideroosje van Plockroy Z

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Hannibal van de Kromsteeg Z

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Base data

name (International) Hors Serie Cdl Z sportname (International) Hors Serie Cdl Z
UELN 056015Z55344218 National-ID BEL015Z55344218
FEI-ID 108PU51 gender Mare
breed Zangersheide riding horse type horse
born 06/18/2018 shoulder height add
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Heidelberg van het Lindehof
Mother Comilfo VH Kelfshof Z father of mother Cento Lano
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts add
field test add station test add
profile views 52

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