Carisma IV 2415 FIN (Carisma IV)

Carisma IV 2415 FIN (Carisma IV)

horse, Danish Warmblood, Mare, 2002


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Base data

name (International) Carisma IV 2415 FIN sportname (International) Carisma IV
UELN 208333200204985 National-ID DNK333200204985
FEI-ID 102MU27 gender Mare
breed Danish Warmblood type horse
born 06/06/2002 shoulder height 172.5 cm
colour mold discipline Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Carano
Mother Cornetta 2244 FIN father of mother Cornetto
Place of birth Denmark, Jens & Trier Lise Jakobsen, Them whereabouts Finland, Kristiina & Maiju Taimisto
field test add station test add
profile views 72


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