

horse, German Sport Horse, Stallion (approved), 2021

rimondo Insights

Uricon, the young premium stallion of the German Sport Horse, is already impressing as a promising sire, even though his sporting career has not yet begun. Born in 2021, he is at the start of his journey and is eagerly anticipated in the breeding season as his first foals are expected.

His sire, Uricas van de Kattevennen, a Holsteiner stallion, has made a name for himself in show jumping with over 100 placings in 236 starts. The dam, Chantendra, a Westphalian mare, carries the valuable genes of the renowned dam sire Chaman, who impresses with over 140 placings in 290 starts and has 287 offspring to his name.

Although Uricon himself has not yet achieved any competition results, his pedigree suggests a promising future both in sport and breeding. The combination of proven Holsteiner blood and the performance capability of the KWPN sire Chaman provides an excellent foundation for future success.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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jumper Uri van de Kattevennen Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2016, from Uricas van de Kattevennen)

Uri van de Kattevennen Z

stallion Udo van de Dorpermolen Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2019, from Uricas van de Kattevennen)

Udo van de Dorpermolen Z

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GSI Unicum Z

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U-Star by LC

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Base data

name (DE) Uricon UELN 276456560095321
National-ID DE 456560095321 gender Stallion
breed German Sport Horse type horse
born 03/26/2021 shoulder height 167 cm
colour brown discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Uricas van de Kattevennen
Mother Chantendra father of mother Chaman
Breeder Lea u. Antonius Schulze-Averdiek, Lea & Antonius Schulze-Averdiek Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 342

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