

pony, Dartmoor-Pony, Mare, 1994


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Base data

name (DE) Suleika sportname (DE) Suleika
breeding name (DE) Suleika gender Mare
breed Dartmoor Pony type pony
born 04/28/1994 shoulder height 127 cm
colour black discipline add
mainly used for free time horse riding club, association add
Awards add Father Pfalz-Dart-Jaguar
Mother Sumsi father of mother Postillon
Place of birth Germany, 70173 Stuttgart whereabouts Germany, Verstorben
field test not completed station test not completed
profile views 165
Deceased 4th September 2024. Suleika, born 28th April 1994, from Sumsi of Pfalz-Dart-Jaguar. Versatile used in leisure time, dressage riding. A sweet, purebred and pure Dartmoor pony mare with a positive and life-loving charisma. Happy to work and curious.


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