Riverbank Expensive 2810 FIN
Riverbank Expensive 2810 FIN
horse, Finnish Warmblood, Leistungsstute, 2006
- horse
- Finnish Warmblood
- Leistungsstute
- 2006
Base data
name (DE) | Riverbank Expensive 2810 FIN | breeding name (DE) | Riverbank Expensive |
UELN | 24600100R061124 | National-ID | FIN00100R061124 |
UELN | 246001S20061124 | National-ID | FIN001S20061124 |
gender | Mare | breed | Finnish Warmblood |
type | horse | born | 08/04/2006 |
shoulder height | 163 cm | colour | dark brown |
discipline | add | mainly used for | stud horse |
riding club, association | add | Awards | Leistungsstute |
Father | Riant 116 FIN | Mother | Cleo II |
father of mother | Come Back II | Breeder | Marjo Vainikka |
Place of birth | Finland, Marjo Vainikka, Vantaa | whereabouts | Finland, Raisa Francis, Kiuruvesi |
field test | add | station test | add |
profile views | 582 |