Crema (Limp Loppers Trix)

Crema (Limp Loppers Trix)

pony, Welsh Pony (Sek.B), Staatsprämienstute, 1997


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dressage horse Yellow Fellow (Nederlands Welsh Ridepony, 1990, from Orchard Limb-Lopper)

Yellow Fellow

broodmare Sunrise in red (Nederlands Welsh Ridepony, 2010, from Orchard Limb-Lopper)

Sunrise in red

jumper T Gold'n Hamrik's Oscar (Welsh, 1995, from Orchard Limb-Lopper)

T Gold'n Hamrik's Oscar

broodmare Figlia (Nederlands Welsh Ridepony, 1995, from Orchard Limb-Lopper)


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broodmare Chamilla vom Matthof (Kleines Deutsches Pony, 2008, from Bräuhof Philipp)

Chamilla vom Matthof

dressage horse Dubai vom Matthof (Welsh-Pony (Section B), 2012, from Thornberry Royal Diplomat)

Dubai vom Matthof

horse Blubbel vom Matthof (Kleines Deutsches Pony, 2014, from Frankenhoehs Bentley)

Blubbel vom Matthof

horse Caramell vom Matthof (Kleines Deutsches Pony, 2011, from Kabarettist)

Caramell vom Matthof

Show all 6 children


Base data

name (DE) Crema sportname (DE) Limp Loppers Trix
breeding name (NL) Limp Lopper's Trix UELN 276302980025597
National-ID DE 302980025597 gender Mare
breed Welsh-Pony (Section B) type pony
born 05/21/1997 shoulder height 139 cm
colour Cremello discipline Dressur, Springen
mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse riding club, association add
Awards Staatsprämienstute Father Orchard Limb-Lopper
Mother Solferino's Gabrielle father of mother Kompas Solferino
Place of birth Netherlands, Add city whereabouts Germany, Add city
field test add station test add
profile views 1349

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