Grey Flanell

Grey Flanell

horse, KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), Stallion (approved), 2010

rimondo Insights

Grey Flanell, an outstanding KWPN stallion from the 2010 cohort, has made a name for himself both in sport and breeding. Under the rider Lena Haßmann, Grey Flanell achieved significant successes, including victories at the national S*** level and international achievements in the FEI Intermediaire A. With over 250 offspring, he has established himself as an influential sire.

Particularly noteworthy are his licensed sons such as Great Schufro and Good Fellow, the latter also awarded as a premium stallion. Grey Flanell also demonstrates his class in mare breeding: The state premium mare Pearly GE and the high-performing Gucci stand for his impressive breeding strength.

His offspring like George Clooney 15 with a dressage RPI of 97 and Gentleman with an RPI of 96 underscore their quality in dressage sport. A preferred pairing is shown with the dam sire Sir Donnerhall I, who has produced a particularly large number of successful offspring.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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jumper Vincent (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2002, from Gribaldi)


dressage horse Girasol 7 (Württemberger, 2001, from Gribaldi)

Girasol 7

stallion Unee BB (KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse), 2001, from Gribaldi)

Unee BB

dressage horse Horsebo Smarties (Danish Warmblood, 2001, from Gribaldi)

Horsebo Smarties

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broodmare Gossip Girl 9 (Oldenburg, 2014, from Grey Flanell)

Gossip Girl 9

dressage horse Galina (Oldenburg, 2014, from Grey Flanell)


dressage horse Gentleman (Rhinelander, 2014, from Grey Flanell)


dressage horse Odette 63 (German Sport Horse, 2014, from Grey Flanell)

Odette 63

Show all 260 children

Base data

name (International, AT, DE) Grey Flanell sportname (International, AT, DE) Grey Flanell
breeding name (DE) Grey Flanell UELN 528003201003396
National-ID NLD003201003396 FEI-ID 106JU64
LiveNumber Austria 186510 HeadNumber Austria GREY
gender Stallion breed KWPN (Royal Dutch Sporthorse)
type horse born 04/14/2010
shoulder height 168 cm colour dark brown
discipline Dressur mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Gribaldi Mother Onoeska
father of mother Clavecimbel Place of birth Netherlands, Add city
whereabouts Germany, Add city profile views 27378

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