Orlando van de Heffinck (Orlando)

Orlando van de Heffinck (Orlando)

horse, Belgian Warmblood, Stallion (approved), 1996

rimondo Insights

Orlando van de Heffinck, an impressive Belgian Warmblood stallion, has made a name for himself not only through his own sporting achievements but especially through his outstanding breeding influence. Although his own competition results with riders Claartje Creutzmann and Tanja Steis are limited, his impact is particularly evident in breeding.

With over 490 offspring, including numerous approved stallions like Gangster de Longchamps and Orsaro dei Folletti, Orlando significantly shapes modern sport horse breeding. His female offspring, such as the state premium mare Tilly's Opportunity 3012 FIN, also underscore his breeding quality.

Particularly noteworthy is his son Giljandro van den Bosrand, who has been placed internationally in the World Cup. Additionally, Otto de La Roche FRH impressed as a finalist in the Bundeschampionat for 5-year-old show jumpers and has qualified multiple times.

Orlando van de Heffinck demonstrates a remarkable inheritance in jumping, as evidenced by the successes of his offspring like Obvious and Pure Z with an RPI of 91. Preferred pairings with dam sires like Clinton have produced particularly many successful offspring, further solidifying his status as a sought-after sire.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Orlando van de Heffinck

Niedersächsisches Landgestüt Celle

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breeding tax from 1400 €


stallion Versace van de Ruitershoeve (Belgian Warmblood, 1998, from Heartbreaker)

Versace van de Ruitershoeve

stallion Orlando 218 (Belgian Warmblood, 1996, from Heartbreaker)

Orlando 218

broodmare Butterfly vd Ruitershoeve (Belgian Warmblood, 2001, from Fuego du Prelet)

Butterfly vd Ruitershoeve

stallion Action-Breaker (Belgian Warmblood, 2000, from Heartbreaker)


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jumper K 2 (Belgian Warmblood, 2002, from Orlando van de Heffinck)

K 2

jumper Giljandro van den Bosrand (Belgian Warmblood, 2006, from Orlando van de Heffinck)

Giljandro van den Bosrand

jumper Ohlala (Swedish Warmblood, 2004, from Orlando van de Heffinck)


stallion Gangster de Longchamps (Belgian Warmblood, 2006, from Orlando van de Heffinck)

Gangster de Longchamps

Show all 495 children

Base data

name (DE) Orlando van de Heffinck sportname (DE) Orlando
breeding name (DE) Orlando UELN 528003199610385
National-ID NLD003199610385 FEI-ID BEL08137
gender Stallion breed Belgian Warmblood
type horse born 04/10/1996
shoulder height 170 cm colour brown
discipline Dressur, Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Heartbreaker Mother Nefista van de Ruitershoeve
father of mother Darco Breeder Van de Heffinck BVBA
Place of birth Belgium, Add city whereabouts United States, Add city
profile views 17164

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