Miss Daisy

Miss Daisy

horse, Finnish Warmblood, Mare, 2004


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Base data

name (International) Miss Daisy sportname (International) Miss Daisy
UELN 24600100R041240 National-ID FIN00100R041240
FEI-ID 105OX46 gender Mare
breed Finnish Warmblood type horse
born 06/15/2004 Day of death 10/07/2019
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline add mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Playboy 107 FIN Mother Merry Brigette 917 FIN
father of mother Zeus Place of birth Finland, Tuula Kontio, Ylöjärvi
whereabouts Finland, Ylä-Savon Koulutuskuntayhtymä, Kiuruvesi field test add
station test add profile views 289

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