Messy Kinský (Messy Kinský SL)

Messy Kinský (Messy Kinský SL)

horse, Kinsky-Pferd, Stallion, 2022


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name (CZ) Messy Kinský sportname (CZ) Messy Kinský SL
breeding name (CZ) Messy Kinský SL UELN 203013258225922
National-ID CZE013258225922 unknown ID CZ203013258225922
gender Stallion breed Kinsky horse
type horse born 04/26/2022
shoulder height 162 cm colour Cremello
discipline Dressur, Springen, Vielseitigkeit, Jagdreiten, Voltigieren, Orientierungsreiten, Wanderreiten, Military mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse, free time horse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Pigment Kinský Mother Mexx Kinská
father of mother Almhirt Chlumecký Place of birth Czech Republic, Add city
whereabouts Czech Republic, Kladruby profile views 276


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