Tara Kemp 05-1562

Tara Kemp 05-1562

horse, American Trotter, Mare, 2005


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Base data

name (FI) Tara Kemp 05-1562 gender Mare
breed American Trotter type horse
born 05/17/2005 Day of death 11/14/2013
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Trabrennen mainly used for sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Arbor R-7132 (US) Mother Film Speed S-7744 (CA)
father of mother S.J.'s Photo US-J-4013 Place of birth Finland, Ravitalli Kemppi, Lahti
whereabouts Finland, Loula Timo & Salli Olli-Pekka, Pori field test add
station test add profile views 46


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