Sundancer Icon

Sundancer Icon

horse, American Trotter, Mare, 2009


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Base data

name (FI) Sundancer Icon UELN 246001L00092272
National-ID FIN001L00092272 gender Mare
breed American Trotter type horse
born 05/19/2009 Day of death 04/19/2019
shoulder height 157 cm colour brown
discipline Trabrennen mainly used for sportshorse
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Father Uno di Jesolo (IT) Mother Southeast Beast 01-2138
father of mother Southwind Pinnacle M-2752 (US) Place of birth Finland, Mukkula Tero & Vikstedt Gitte, Sipoo
whereabouts Finland, Kahila Jarkko & Pitkänen Jani field test add
station test add profile views 70


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