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Base data
name (DE) | Karino | sportname (DE) | Karino |
breeding name (DE) | Karino | gender | Gelding |
breed | Haflinger | type | pony |
born | 04/22/1976 | Day of death | 05/15/2012 |
shoulder height | 152 cm | colour | sorrel |
discipline | Springen, Jagdreiten, Orientierungsreiten, Distanzreiten | mainly used for | sportshorse, free time horse |
riding club, association | Pferdezuchtverband Baden-Württemberg e.V. | Awards | add |
Father | Raymond Charles x | Mother | Alice |
father of mother | Ahorn | Place of birth | Austria, Ebbs |
whereabouts | Germany, 88326 Aulendorf/Halima-Gestüt | profile views | 173 |