Lindenberg (Lindenberg 4)

Lindenberg (Lindenberg 4)

horse, Hanoverian, Stallion (approved), 2020

rimondo Insights

Lindenberg, a promising Hanoverian stallion from the 2020 cohort, has already made remarkable strides at a young age. Under rider Jacob Schenk, Lindenberg impressed in young horse competitions with over five placings and two victories, highlighting his outstanding quality as a young horse. His crowning as the Bundeschampion of four-year-old horses in 2024 demonstrates his excellent performance and potential for the future.

The stallion presents his first foal crop, eagerly anticipated due to his promising genetic potential from his sire Libertad FRH and his dam's sire Destano. Libertad FRH, himself a highly placed athlete with over 50 placings, and Destano, a proven sire with over 500 offspring, represent quality and success in breeding.

Lindenberg shows a promising future both in sport and breeding. With his potential and strong lineage, he is sure to leave a lasting impression in the world of Hanoverians.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text


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Base data

name (DE) Lindenberg sportname (DE) Lindenberg 4
breeding name (DE) Lindenberg UELN 276431310718520
National-ID DE 431310718520 gender Stallion
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 05/04/2020 shoulder height add
colour black discipline Dressur
mainly used for sportshorse riding club, association Hannoveraner Verband e.V.
Awards gekört Father Libertad FRH
Mother Denis M father of mother Destano
Breeder ZG Maak Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 2305

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