Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z

Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z

horse, Zangersheide riding horse, Stallion (approved), 2018

rimondo Insights

Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z, an impressive Zangersheide stallion born in 2018, has already celebrated international successes in show jumping at the young age of seven. Under the rider Angelos Touloupis, he achieved eight victories in FEI jumping competitions up to 115 cm and over 13 placements, highlighting his exceptional performance in the sport of show jumping. The first offspring of Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z are expected to enter the competition scene this year, raising great expectations for his breeding potential.

His sire, Diamant de Semilly, a renowned Selle Français stallion, has produced over 3300 offspring and is known for his outstanding contribution to show jumping genetics. On the maternal side stands Viancara van de Zuuthoeve, a Belgian Warmblood mare, enhanced by the influential damsire Darco, who himself has over 1300 successful offspring.

Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z presents himself as a promising sire with a solid genetic background, setting high expectations for his future progeny in international show jumping. Particularly noteworthy is his aptitude for show jumping, inherited from his successful ancestors.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z

Hengststation Rödl

Teilzahlung bei Besamung, Rest bei Trächtigkeit.

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breeding tax from 650 €


jumper Tristan Horta Z (Zangersheide riding horse, 2007, from Taran de La Pomme)

Tristan Horta Z

jumper Deauville S (Holsteiner, 2006, from Diamant de Semilly)

Deauville S

jumper Emilie de Diamant A S (Belgian Warmblood, 2004, from Diamant de Semilly)

Emilie de Diamant A S

stallion Niack de L'Abbaye (Selle Français, 2001, from Diamant de Semilly)

Niack de L'Abbaye

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Base data

name (International, DE) Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z name (AT) Dimanche van het Reukenis Z
sportname (International, DE) Dimanche Vh Reukenis Z sportname (AT) Dimanche van het Reukenis Z
breeding name (DE) Dimanche vh Reukenis Z UELN 056015Z55126718
National-ID BEL015Z55126718 FEI-ID 108DV64
gender Stallion breed Zangersheide riding horse
type horse born 04/15/2018
shoulder height add colour brown
discipline Springen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards gekört
Father Diamant de Semilly Mother Viancara van de Zuuthoeve
father of mother Darco Place of birth Belgium, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 370

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