

horse, Oldenburger, Stallion (approved), 2022

rimondo Insights

Sezou, a promising Oldenburg stallion from the 2022 cohort, stands on the brink of an impressive breeding career. Bred from the renowned Sezuan, a Danish Warmblood with over 400 offspring, and the Brandenburg mare Sympathie, Sezou combines the best traits of his parents.

His lineage is further refined by his dam's sire, Sir Donnerhall I, an Oldenburg stallion with over 2300 offspring, who has established himself as an indispensable pillar of modern dressage horse breeding. Sezou himself was recently awarded as a premium stallion, highlighting his outstanding quality.

Breeders and breeding enthusiasts eagerly anticipate Sezou's first foal crop next year. With his promising pedigree and the accolades already received, Sezou is sure to become a sought-after sire in horse breeding.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Helgstrand Dressage

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Westfälische Hauptkörung Dressur - Körung 2024/2025


Sandra Neff, Sandra Neff, Gestüt Neff
Oldenburger Fohlenchampionat in Homberg-Ohm 2022


Sandra grede, Sandra Neff
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Base data

name (DE) Sezou UELN 276433330840022
National-ID DE 433330840022 gender Stallion
breed Oldenburg type horse
born 01/01/2022 shoulder height 169 cm
colour black discipline add
mainly used for stud horse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Sezuan
Mother Sympathie father of mother Sir Donnerhall I
Breeder Sandra grede, Sandra Neff, Sandra Neff, Gestüt Neff Place of birth Germany, Add city
whereabouts add profile views 372

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