Crucifix xx (Crucifix)

Crucifix xx (Crucifix)

horse, Thoroughbred, Mare, 1837


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Base data

name (DE) Crucifix xx sportname (DE) Crucifix
breeding name (DE) Crucifix gender Mare
breed Thoroughbred type horse
born 01/01/1837 Day of death 01/01/1858
shoulder height 163 cm colour brown
discipline Galopprennen mainly used for stud horse, sportshorse
riding club, association add Awards add
Father Priam xx Mother Octaviana xx
father of mother Octavian xx Place of birth United Kingdom, Add city
whereabouts United Kingdom, Add city field test add
station test add profile views 2277
Her conformation was thought to deviate considerably from the ideal. Standing nearly 16 hands she was described as having a very straight, lean head with good eyes, long ears and open nostrils. Her neck was long and light, her shoulders thin and oblique and her brisket deep, however, her chest was narrow and her arms and legs small and her toes alleged to turn out like those of a ballerina. With flat sides and thighs, short back ribs and drooping quarters, her overall appearance was called "wiry".
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