Quasi Quadam

Quasi Quadam

horse, unknown, Stallion (approved), 2017

rimondo Insights

Quando 73, a promising Hanoverian stallion from the 2017 cohort, has already proven himself in show jumping despite his young age. Under the saddle of Hendrik Schäfer, he achieved initial successes in young horse show jumping competitions at the A* level, including a victory and several placements. More recently, Quando has continued his performance under Vanessa Ebert, with over 10 placements in various young horse show jumping competitions up to the M* level.

Although Quando has only two offspring so far, his lineage suggests great potential as a sire. His sire, the Belgian Warmblood stallion Quasimodo vd Molendreef, has over 240 offspring who are successful in breeding and sport. The dam, the Hanoverian mare Quebec, provides a solid athletic foundation through the dam's sire Quadam, which Quando could pass on to his progeny.

Quando's aptitude for jumping, inherited from his sire, is particularly noteworthy. Breeders could benefit from pairing him with mares from strong performance jumping lines to further enhance these traits.

Last updated: 25.02.2025, AI-generated text

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Stallion owner of Quasi Quadam

Nordrhein-Westfälisches Landgestüt Warendorf

So profitieren Sie, wenn Sie unsere Hengste in der Frischbesamung oder im Natursprung nutzen: Zahlen Sie einmalig das Deckgeld. Im Falle einer Nichtträchtigkeit bleibt es für Sie bei dem Deckgeld. Erst bei Trächtigkeit wird die Trächtigkeitsprämie erhoben. Diese variiert je nachdem welchen Hengst Sie nutzen.

Sächsische Gestütsverwaltung

Für Ihre Anpaarungsplanung bieten wir Ihnen 80 Hengste der Rassen Warmblut, Schweres Warmblut, Kaltblut, Haflinger und Deutsches Reitpony. Über ein flächendeckendes Netz von 12 Deck- und Besamungsstationen erfolgt die Gewinnung und der Vertrieb von Samen ausgewählter Spitzenhengste.

Sperm availability

  • fresh
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breeding tax from 600 €


stallion Zirano (Hanoverian, 2015, from Zirocco Blue)


jumper Hello Sanctos (Belgium Sporthorse, 2002, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Hello Sanctos

jumper Comte D'Arsouilles (Belgian Warmblood, 2002, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Comte D'Arsouilles

jumper Dauphin de Muze (Belgian Warmblood, 2003, from Quasimodo vd Molendreef)

Dauphin de Muze

Show all siblings


foal by Hengst von Quasi Quadam / Wiener Walzer xx (German Sport Horse, 2024, from Quasi Quadam)

Hengst von Quasi Quadam / Wiener Walzer xx

foal by Great Scarlett VM (Oldenburg show jumper, 2024, from Quasi Quadam)

Great Scarlett VM

Show all 2 children

Base data

name (DE) Quasi Quadam sportname (DE) Quasi Quadam
breeding name (DE) Quasi Quadam UELN 276431316870917
National-ID DE 431316870917 gender Stallion
breed Hanoverian type horse
born 01/01/2017 shoulder height 173 cm
colour brown discipline Springen
mainly used for sportshorse riding club, association add
Awards gekört Father Quasimodo vd Molendreef
Mother Quebec father of mother Quadam
Breeder Hendrik Schäfer, Hendrik Schäfer Place of birth add
whereabouts add profile views 1095

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